Frequently asked questions
Have a question for us? We have answered some of our most frequently asked questions below. If this is not what you were looking for then we're only a phone call away, so why not call us on 07555 320 799?
How much is counselling?
£35 Assessment fee
£35 Carers and Emergency services
£40 Online Counselling
£50 For all other services
(Fees are reviewed annually in April)
How long is the session?
Each session is 50 minutes long. They are referred to as a therapeutic hour.
How often do I need to attend?
Once a week. This will usually be the same day and time each week.
How many sessions will I need?
I offer both short term 6 to 12 weeks and open ended therapy.
What happens at the first session?
The first session will be an assessment session so you can get to know a little about me and how I work. I get to know you and the reasons why you are seeking Counselling. We will then work together to find the best way forward for you.
What happens when I don’t attend?
A regular weekly appointment is held for you and will be charged for whether you attend or not.
This means that cancellations of less than 48-hours notice will incur a full fee.